An arduous start...

Distripac is bought back in 1987 by M. Jacques Lemarié because of a voluntary liquidation.

For three long years, Distripac strove for putting as soon as possible the technical competences of the company up and regilding the statement of account which was obsolete. By hiring qualified and motivated workers and installing a well-thought workplace, the company built a solid and very promising base which was warning of rebirth. The unceasing machines amelioration, due to the great interest in their optimisation, guaranteed from then on an increasement of the productions, synonymous with a sales rise and the much-hoped revival.

Realised project
80 %
Croissance annuelle
Machons collés
Mètre d'impression

Distripac is launched

After this three difficult years, Distripac reaches at last its cruising speed, steadily showing increasements in the sales and arousing more and more the customers interest. Although sleeves were produced, it is above all in the thansformation of plastics and in the shrink-wrap drawing that Distripac established itself as an important company on the market. Indeed it becomes in its domain a large-scaled specialist, exporting its products as far as China.

And today?

A new Lunch

Even if the shrink-wrap drawing is still part of the Distripac activities, the deal changed since several years and the company has decided to concentrate its competences in the sleeves. Decoring, protecting or grouping sleeves, the Distripac company has found here the ideal formula to make his mark among its competitors, reputed it is now for its professionalism and the high quality of its products.

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